Thorium Report
This was my APUSH paper on thorium, element 90 on the periodic table and a lesser known source of energy. This paper should provide some background on thorium and specifically, why thorium was rejected as a source of energy (as well as the Molten Salt Reactor, the reactor that would use thorium as a primary fuel source). As we progress as a society, thorium should be kept on the radar as a source of energy because of its abundance and potential to be used in breeder reactors, especially as we advance nuclear technology (in the way of fusion, uranium, etc.) Thorium first brought the attention of influential scientists such as Glenn Seaborg and Eugene Wigner in early 1942 when its product Uranium-233 was shown to be fissile, or usable in nuclear fission. It would later dazzle the likes of John F. Kennedy due to its promise of creating vast amounts of energy and prove successful as a fuel in the Molten Salt Reactor, a radical type of nuclear reactor that promised to change the face o...