Kalyanee Mam Reflection

Kalyanee Mam's presentation put into perspective something that many may take for granted. She began her presentation with a question of "What is home to you?" The general trend among respondents was a series of responses pertaining to family or interpersonal relationships. However, Mam's film that she screened, Lost World, covered something radically different yet equally significant: the land beneath our feet. The film covered the story of a Cambodian woman, Phalla Vy, and her perspective as she observes dredging, piles of sand being used for the expansion of Singapore, and Gardens by the Bay, an artificial garden theme park. What struck me about the film was how Mam displayed the flippancy of the dredging industry as a whole. They failed to recognize the importance of sand to the locals in Cambodia, as without sand, the local crab population goes down, and the livelihood of fisherwomen like Vy is endangered. The government stopped protests by the locals who w...