Capstone Project Planning Updates

I'm still working on what exactly I'd like to do for my project and how to execute it. I've been exploring some ideas, though, and the activities/opportunities I participate in during the summer will surely inform the final vision for my Capstone Project/grant proposal.

When I started the Global Scholars program my vision for my project was going to be something along the lines of conservation or epidemiology. I think, however, my final project may lean more towards education than anything. I'm deeply interested in making science and math more accessible for others, and I think this is an objective that holds importance for students all over the world. However, I'll still give a brief update on my progress in the fields that are possible projects for Global Scholars.

Epidemiology: I'm still looking around for good connections relating to epidemiology (though I've gotten two from Sean Liu, a fellow Global Scholar), but I'll be taking part in a biology-related internship at Caltech concerning evolutionary development that could have relevance to human well-being.

Education: I've been taking part in a volunteering service called Online to Dream that has a great model for reaching students who need help with homework. I'd like to create something like that for my Global Scholars project in the future, if possible. I'm also going to help teach SAT-type mathematics this summer, which could inform how I can reach people with education (especially the economically disadvantaged) on a global scale.


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