MVC Reflection

My multivariable calculus class through Global Online Academy (GOA) has been going great so far. I’ve never taken a math, let alone any type of course online in such an environment, so this was a great learning experience for me. While the course material didn’t cover global issues as much, built in to the course were opportunities for making connections with other students, and through those opportunities, I was able to connect with people in different parts of the US, Indonesia, and Slovakia. It was great learning about what my students have been doing outside of school and what led them to pursue multivariable calculus, a course that many students don’t take until college. The answers I got varied based on the individual student interests, concerning students’ pure love for math and in other cases, a willingness to take math to other fields in science or economics. I think this has been and will continue to be a great experience for expanding my horizons, both mathematically and globally. 


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