Reflection on the Global Scholars Program
What did you learn from GIP and the Global Scholars Program this year? Being a Global Scholar was a very enriching experience. I would say that I most directly learned how to conduct myself in large groups of people more effectively through moderating the panel with Joe Wong and Clement Cid, as well as how to set up an interview. The unexpected transition to the online interview format also pushed me to learn how to edit video. Through the class, I was able to hear the perspectives of other Global Scholars and attend numerous presentations given by experts on development economics, sustainability, and human rights issues. What is the legacy you and your fellow cohort members will be leaving when you graduate? Something I'm happy about is that the video recording of my interview with Dr. Cid will be accessible online. This means it will have continued impact long after the event's actual occurrence and hopefully reach more people outside the Poly community than if I w...